TEDx Pitch Night 2018


On the 10th of September TEDxWageningenUniversity hosted a pitch-night at the Impulse building on WUR campus to select two speakers with the chance to perform on stage at the main event on the 6th of November. Of the many initial applicants, ten amazing speakers were shortlisted to pitch and covered a myriad of topics including on the circular economy, food waste, and ecosystem restoration. The jury itself was made up of a panel of several, fantastic professionals and experts. Two winners were picked; Charlie Williams, whose fascinating speech covered green tech and its contributions towards the Green Wave; and Alex van Tuyll, choosing to discuss the upcoming concept of urban farming and some great ideas – though he tactfully withheld his key one for the main event! The pitch-night attracted a great number and variety of people; becoming a veritable hub for sharing curiosity, having discussions and asking questions! Our host for the night was the excellent chairman of TEDxWageningenUniversity, Michiel Voskamp. We thank everybody for attending and participating so actively, and we hope to see you all on the 6th of November at Junushoff, Wageningen!