AI - LOVE IT OR HATE IT: Crossing boundaries in the Information Age 
8:30 PM20:30

AI - LOVE IT OR HATE IT: Crossing boundaries in the Information Age 

Artificial intelligence love it or hate it, it’s here today. ChatGPT looks so good when you want to do a quick research or write your whole report. Also, Copilot when you want to make a cool image for your presentation. But what about copyrights and artistic integrity, falsifying identification? Developers who build this from the background, claim it is helping us move further and faster in driving new innovations.

Then, what is the purpose of waking up every morning? Is it the beginning of a new world or the end of the human race? We are in an urgent need for legislations to help us properly navigate these new unexplored waters safely. Here is TEDxWageningenUniversity Salon we provide an unbiased platform to explore and critically reflect on your ideas. 

Join our discussions to discover the different perspectives the students have here in Wageningen. 

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Food is Power: Preserving Tradition in the Age of Convenience
5:30 PM17:30

Food is Power: Preserving Tradition in the Age of Convenience

Event details:

TEDxWageningenUniversity Salon “Food is Power: Preserving Tradition in the Age of Convenience”

Date: 21-03-2024 | Time: 17:30 – 19:00 | Location: Spectrum, Omnia Building

HELLO FRESH, thuisbezorgd, and Domino's app show up everywhere. These options seem perfectly convenient in our fast-paced lives and globalized world. While we focus on our studies and ‘feeding the world’, who is feeding us? Local farms and our family recipes or something ‘modern?’ Mainstream cuisines like Italian, Chinese, and wherever you think hummus is from (its Syrian) feature often on our plates. A standardized meal within minutes prepared by whom? And where? Or home cooking with a friend. Who's got the time? If you are what you eat, what does this mean for our culinary heritage? What are we trading for these ready-made meals?

Join our TEDxWageningenUniversity Salon as we explore and invite discussion on the challenges, opportunities, and potential pathways forward for food in our evolving world.


Organised by: Wageningen Dialogues and TEDxWageningenUniversity

Contact people: Suzy Rebisz, Simon Ritzer, Vivien Bernhard, Alessandro Wedeman


About TEDx Salons:

TEDx Salons are short events, typically around 1.5 hours, designed for a small, diverse group of people. The focus is on active discussion around a pre-selected topic. As a catalyst for thought and conversation, a TED Talk is first watched together. The discussion that follows is designed to foster an exchange of ideas and expose everyone to a variety of opinions and perspectives. This collaborative and thought-provoking atmosphere is the essence of TEDx Salons.

The event is organized in collaboration with Wageningen Dialogues, which aims to defuse heated social debates and bring together different stakeholders for joint action.

Seats for these thought-provoking discussions are limited. So sign up now! Speaking language is English.

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TEDxSalon: “Entrepreneurship: Problem or Solution?”
5:30 PM17:30

TEDxSalon: “Entrepreneurship: Problem or Solution?”

TEDxSalon “Entrepreneurship: Problem or Solution?”

Entrepreneurship seems a harmless concept but can be seen as a controversial topic. Some see it as a reflection of capitalist excess and the cause of today's global challenges, where more regulation is needed. Others champion it as the center of innovation, driving sustainable solutions to our most pressing problems. How do you look at the role, responsibilities, potential and barriers of entrepreneurship?

Therefore, entrepreneurship is at the center of this TEDxSalon, a roundtable discussion that provides an unbiased platform to explore the diverse perspectives surrounding entrepreneurship. Join us as we explore the complexities and diverse narratives around entrepreneurship.

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TEDx Wageningen University 2020 Event - The Moment is Now
10:00 AM10:00

TEDx Wageningen University 2020 Event - The Moment is Now

  • Junushoff Theatre Wageningen Netherlands (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


The present is a defining moment for the future; let's make this present a moment to go down in history as a time when humanity turned the corner in respect to climate change with bold and courageous steps - starting from today, starting from NOW - #TheMomentIsNow

We're focusing on the work of the people who are striving to make a difference on both a local community scale and on an international spectrum, those who are working towards developing a more balanced, inclusive and regenerative world.

Our speakers are presenting their solutions to six fundamental, interconnected questions that can help inform a blueprint for a cleaner future:

Energy / Built Environment / Transport / Food / Nature / Ourselves

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TED Circles Event #4 - A changing world - VIRTUAL EDITION
7:00 PM19:00

TED Circles Event #4 - A changing world - VIRTUAL EDITION

TED Circles is an open platform of small groups that meet for conversations about ideas.

Hosted by our volunteers, these weekly or monthly gatherings empower us to dream and debate. Each TED Circle is unique and all are virtually connected through the TED Circles platform - making it possible for local conversations to reach a global scale.

Here were the thoughts from our first TED Circles on the future of education.

This week, we focused on Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics.

In February 2012, the renegade economist Kate Raworth first introduced the concept of the Doughnut, proposing a social foundation and ecological ceiling for the whole world. Ever since, people have asked: How can we downscale the Doughnut to apply it in our city or region?

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This week we are focusing on the theme of ‘A changing world’.

We're discussing how can we design a societal system to thrive rather than just grow?

Join us on Zoom.

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TED Circles Event #3 - Who has power? - VIRTUAL EDITION
7:00 PM19:00

TED Circles Event #3 - Who has power? - VIRTUAL EDITION

TED Circles is an open platform of small groups that meet for conversations about ideas.

Hosted by our volunteers, these weekly or monthly gatherings empower us to dream and debate. Each TED Circle is unique and all are virtually connected through the TED Circles platform - making it possible for local conversations to reach a global scale.

Here were the thoughts from our first TED Circles on the future of education.

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This week we are focusing on the theme of ‘Who has power’.

We're discussing how in a world where democracy is as prevalent as ever, why does it feel like we’re losing control?

Reservation details to come…

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TED Circles Event #2 - How we love
5:30 PM17:30

TED Circles Event #2 - How we love

TED Circles is an open platform of small groups that meet for conversations about ideas.

Hosted by our volunteers, these weekly or monthly gatherings empower us to dream and debate. Each TED Circle is unique and all are virtually connected through the TED Circles platform - making it possible for local conversations to reach a global scale.

Here were the thoughts from out last TED Circles on the future of education.

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TED Circles.jpg

This week we are focusing on the theme of ‘How we love’.

We're discussing how in an ever more connected world, we're reporting feeling more disconnected than ever.

Watch the TEDx video below:

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TED Circles Event #1 - The future of education
5:30 PM17:30

TED Circles Event #1 - The future of education

TED Circles is an open platform of small groups that meet for conversations about ideas.

Hosted by our volunteers, these weekly or monthly gatherings empower us to dream and debate. Each TED Circle is unique and all are virtually connected through the TED Circles platform - making it possible for local conversations to reach a global scale.

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