TEDx Wageningen University 2019
Frank Westerman
A Dutch writer and former journalist who studied tropical agricultural engineering at Wageningen University from which he obtained the Outstanding Alumnus Award in 2005. As a journalist he worked for de Volkskrant in Belgrade and the NRC in Moscow. As an author his books have been translated to more than ten languages and won numerous awards such as de Gouden Uil.
Arjen Van der Veen
Captain and Co-founder of the world’s first modern emission free shipping company which is based in the Netherlands. The company, Fairtransport, utilizes the power of great sailing ships that only use wind as a means of propulsion to sail cargo emission free. Arjen campaigns to raise awareness about the huge amounts of pollution created by the modern shipping industry and affect positive change in how goods are shipped around the world.
May Taherzadeh
A multi award-winning filmmaker who has directed films in over 15 countries across 6 continents. She is the co-founder of 'Inspire Courage for Change Foundation’ that creates films to inspire social action. Her latest short film, Mercy’s Blessing is set in an African village and is a story of selfless love and sacrifice in the midst of social injustice and aims to raise awareness about gender equality, education and to inspire social action. It has won 12 international film awards, and is supported by UNICEF, UNFPA, and the EU.
Yohanes Sugihtononugroho
CEO at Crowde.Co, a financial platform for investors (public) to invest their money on small-scaled farmers and fishermen in Indonesia. To date, CROWDE has been able to attract about 22,000 investors and has raised over US$4 million to help 14,000 small farm holders. Listed in Forbes Asia 30 under 30.
Martijn Kersten
Senior management consultant at Soul, a company that wants to change organisations radically. They want to enhance work ethic and create an environment of trust. Nowadays, we have created environments where competition has become dominant and people cannot flourish in these as indicated by the increasing numbers of burnouts. Soul inspires and stimulates the establishment of communities in order to grow and innovate.
Kris Devéria
(Winner of Pitch Night 2019 TEDx Wageningen University)
Co-founder of Renew, a young Wageningen-based foundation that strives to support ecosystem restoration projects by enabling everyday people to get involved. Inspired by the work of John D. Liu, Renew is developing as an organisation which provides a variety of methods that allow people to reach greater opportunities to deal with the environmental and climatic issues we face today.
Mendelt Tillema
CEO & Co-Founder of UmaMeats and a recipient of Young Hero Award - Startup of 2018 (Wageningen Business Event). UmaMeats works on redefining taste by using future proof ingredients. A Wageningen alumni where he pursued Plant Sciences. During the major plant production systems as a student he was trained to find answers on how to feed the world in the future. Later he took over his family project which evolved into UmaMeats.
Barbara Oliveira
PhD, MBA, LLM, Registered Lawyer under the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Section. Barbara is a professional mediator in socio-environmental conflict transformation, and a coach of NGOs, business, government agents, affected communities and international organisations for social change. For the last 20 years, Barbara has been a leadership and trust developer, trainer, and a process designer and facilitator of dialogues and negotiated processes in climate change, biodiversity conservation, food chains, environmental activism and organisational strategies.